Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lord of the Flies chapter 6.doc

Lord of the Flies

DQ’s Chapter 6-7 Beast from Air-Shadows and Tall Trees


Answer the questions. 


1. What was the "sign that came down from the world of the grown-ups?"

        The parachutist


2. Who saw the "beast" on top of the mountain?

Sam and erric


3. What did the boys want to do instead of going to the other side of the

island to check

the fire?


They wanted to go look for the ‘beast’


Who Said It?


        4. "I don't believe in the beast." 


        5. "We want smoke.  And you go wasting your time.  You roll rocks."



6. Who hit the boar with his spear? 




7. Who got hurt playing the role of the pig? 




8. Who went throught the forest alone to tell Piggy that the group hunting



wouldn't be back until after dark? 




Who climbed the mountain to look for the beast?


        9. Jack


        10. Ralph


        11. Simon

Vocbulary Project

Lord of The Flies voc. 5

41. Parody-a humorous piece of literature of writing,burlesque
*The comedy movie parodies the entrie genre of westerns.
42. Parried-to ward off,blow
*Booth hooked a shot which Beeney parried straight to newsome who scared from 5 yard.
43. Pinnacles-The highest or culminating point,apex
*Betwenn the lofly windows are pilasters the height of the walls surmaunted by small pinnacles
44. Ruefully-causing sorrow or pity,pitiable
*The poor woman ruefully could not give her money to her friedn in need.
45. Tacitly-Unspoken,unexpressed
*Your failure to object to the request resulted in you tacitly approving the change.
46. Vexed-annoyed,anger
*She become more and more vexed as she struggled to cope with the demands of the job.
47. Vicissitudes-a change occuring in the course of something,change
*They remained friends through the vicissitudes of 10 years.
48. Vivid-strikingly bright,bright
*Something in their natural state are the most vivid colours.
49. Vulnurable-capable of or susceptibe to being wounded or hurt,tender
*When she lost her job,Alicia was very vulnerable
50. Trunculently-fierce,fierce
*The lion gave a trunculently roar.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lord Of The Files Voc 4

31.Interminable-incapable of being terinated, etenal
*The fact that biology lecture came just before lunch made them seem interminable
32.Iridescent-displaying a play of lustrous colors like those of the rainbow,rainbow
*The wings of the dragonfly are iridesent
33.Lamentation-expressing grief,wail
*When she died she was lamenting
34.Malevolently-wishing evil or harm to another or others,desire
*Americans are benevolenty ignorant about canada, while canadians are malevolently well informed about United States
35.Muted-of loe intensity,reduced
*She spoke in muted tones
36.Obscurley-not clear,dubious
*Im not obscurely about the right unseen.
37.Obtuseness-not quick,unfeeling
*The trutle was very obtuseness.
38.Officious-help, or advice, medaling
*the officious saleperson was so overbearing and intrusive
39.Opalescence-exbiting a play of colors like that of the opal,inidescence
*The opalescence was very beautiful
40.Opaque-not transparent,cloudy
*Her glasses was very opaque, you couldn't see anything.

Lord of the Flies chapter 5.doc

Lord of the Flies

DQ’s Chapter 5 Beast from Water


Answer the questions.


1. What is "Taken short?"

Going to the bathroom



2. What does Ralph think they ought to do before they let the fire go out?




3. Who scared the littlun by walking around in the jungle at night?




Who are the two littluns who hold the conch and speak about the beast at




        4.  phil


        5.  percival



Who said it?


        6. "The thing is, we need an assembly."



        7. "Serve you right if something did get you, you useless lot of cry-babies!"



        8. " scientific, that's what it is."



        9. "What I mean is... maybe it's only us."



        10. "What are we? Humans? Or animals? Or savages?"



Friday, October 23, 2009

Lord of the Flies chapter 4.doc

Lord of the Flies

DQ’s Chapter 4 Painted Faces and Long Hair


Answer the questions


1. Who "still felt the unease of wrongdoing?"




2. Who was affected by the "taboo of the old life?"




3. How was Jack "liberated from the shame of self-consciousness?"


        When he painted on the mask and became someone


Why did the "littluns" always obey the summons of the conch?


        4.becasue Ralph blew it and he was big enough to be a tined with the adult of authority


        5.  They enjoyed the entertainment of the assembles


6. Why did Jack want Samneric to get him a coconut?


         So that he could hut some water in it to loud at his refection


7. Why weren't the boys rescued? 

Because Jack and the hunters let the fire die



8. Why were the littluns used to "Stomach aches and a sort or chronic



      Because there at fruit where they cold reach without worrying about ripeness


Who said it?


9. "You don't half look a mess"




10. "They don't smell me.  They see me, I think.  Something pink, under the



Lord of the Flies chapter 3.doc

Lord of the Flies

DQ’s 3 Huts on the Beach


Answer the questions.



1. What is Jack doing as the chapter opens (be specific)?


He is crounched down like a spiral hunting for a pig


2. Ralph and _________ are building huts.




3. Why can't Jack get the pig to stay on his spear?



Because there were no bards so the spear fell out

4. All the hunters but Jack have gone where?




5. Who helps the littluns get fruit?




6. At the end of the chapter, where does Simon go?


He goes to a open space in the woods


Who Said it? (Indicate page number)


7.  "We want meat!"



8. "I was talking about smoke!  Don't you want to be rescued?  All you talk

about it pig,

pig pig!"



9. "I thought I might kill"


Lord of the Flies chapter 2.doc

Lord of the Flies

Worksheet: Chapter 2

Answer the questions.  For each answer, indicate the page number in




1. Who is the only one who may interrupt the speaker holding the conch?



2. Who saw the beast/beastie/snake-like thing?

A small boy wit the birthmark


3. Who says, again and again that there isn't a beast?



4. On Page 37, Ralph makes a two-fold "mission statement."  What are the

two parts?


        1.have fun


        2.get resuced



5. Why do they need a fire?

For a ship that is coming to see them


6. What did the boys use to start the fire?


Piggy’s specs

7. Who is the first boy to die?

The small bot with the birth mark


Who said it? (remember to indicate page numbers)


8.  "How do you expect to be rescued if you don't put first things first

and act proper?"



9. "I told you to.  I told you to get a list of names!"



10.  "We'll have rules!  Lots of rules!  Then when anyone breaks 'em-"


Lord of the Flies chapter 1.doc

Lord of the Flies

Worksheet: Chapter 1


Answer the questions.  For each answer, indicate the page number in



1. How did the boys arrive on the island?

The plane crashed


2. How did Ralph call the first meeting?

The blew into the conch


3. What are the names of the twins?

Sam and erik


4. What does Ralph's dad do?

Commander in the navy


5. What nationality are the boys?



6. The island was roughly _______ - shaped.



7. What is the "scar?"

A long line of land


8. For whom did Piggy vote as chief?



9. Who went to make sure the island was really an island?

        a. Ralph

        b. Jack

        c. Simon


10. Who is your favorite character so far?


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lord Of The Flies Voc 3

21. dubious- felling doubt, uncertain
*Sometimes I dubious that I can make the step team.
22. ebullience- intensely agitated, liveliness
*When the lord spoke to me, my heart became ebullience.
23.ferocity- the quality or state of being ferocious, violence
*he was very ferocity and toke his anger out on other people.
24.flourished- to achieve sucess, prosper
*I have to flourished in order to see my drams, and work hard.
25.foliage- leaves, plants, trees., growth
*The foliages was very beautiful and had a good length on them.
26.furtive-sneaky secretive, sly., slick
*She was very furtive when she cheated on the test, she keep looking to see waas the teacher looking.
27.grave- seroius, gloomy., dull, sad
*When the girl mom died, she was very grave.
28.impervious- unable to be penetrated, long-lasting
*She was very impervious, she had a very mential sickness.
29.incantation-spell, magic., spell
*the witch used incantation to put me to sleep.
30. inscrutable- hidden, mysterious, blank., mystic
*the hanuted manison still remains a inscrutable.

Lord Of The Files Voc 2

11.Credulously-willing to believe or trust too readily,trustful
*When i told my mom the truth, I become credulously to her.
12.cynically-distrusting or dispear aging the moties of others, sarcastic
*Cynically speaking or should say that it is true to life to be cynical about.
13. declivities- a downward slope, as of ground, lean
*My favorite hill is an declivities, if i ride my bike real fast down it you will fly.
14. Decorous- characterized by dignified propriety in manners, proper
*The appreciative guest displayed decorous behavior towards his host.
15. demur-to make objection, misgiving
*The personal demured at the managments new scheme.
16. Derisive- characterized by or eexpressing derision contemptuosi mocking, rude
* The crritic's review of the flim was derisive.
17. diffidently-lacking confidence in one's own ability; shy
*When Summer asked Sam out to dinner, he blushed and nodded diffidently.
18. discursive- passing aimlessly from one subject to anoter, wandering
*The students were instructed to write a diseursive essay on a bioethics topic of their choice.
19. disentangked- to free or become free from entanglement, untangke
*I had to disentangled all the yawn my cat tangled up.
20. disinclination- to absence of inclination, unwillingness
*The plantform was disinclination.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Who should survive.doc

Who should survive?

The five people I think that will survive are: Dr. Dane, Mrs. Dane, Jean Garcia, Mr. Newton, and Mrs. Clark. I choose these five people because they all have something unique and different about them. Dr. Dane is very educated and his health is in very good shape, he jogs daily and can maintain his health on a very unpopulated island. Mrs. Dane she is the wife of Dr. Dane and is an M.A. in psychology, she seems like she can stay on such small and unpopulated islands for some years, the only health problem that she has that is negative, is that she is an diabetic, but she is also a counselor in a mental health clinic, she knows how to deal with her problem. Jean Garcia is very young and very healthy. I know God has something planned for him, and will not leave him nor forsake him. Mr. Newton is a physical fitness nut and will also know how to maintain his body shape and stay healthy. Mrs. Clark is a daughter if a minister, so good is always with her, and she is a college graduate of electronics engineer. These are the five people that will survive.  

Lord of the Files Vocabulary.doc

Lord of the Files Vocabulary

  1. Abyss-a deep, immeasurable shape, gulf or cavity.

*Hole, SpongeBob and Patrick feel into a dark abyss.

  1. Capable of speech, not speechless.

*Spoken, To be articulate is a blessing because some people can’t talk.

  1. Bastion-a fortified

*Stronghold, When you have a bastion, you need to hold on to it.

  1. Blundered- a gross, stupid on care less mistake.

*Blunder, Because of her blundered which was writing her name in the wrong place, she made a 99 on the test.

  1. Cascades- a waterfall descending over a step; rock surface

*In our church we have a cascade; we have to put water in it everyday, for you can hear the water fall.

  1. Compressed- pressed into less space; condensed

*Squeeze, the girl had to compress her body into her tight jeans.

  1. Contemptuously- showing or expressing contempt

*arrogant, The young lady was acking very contemptuously, she asked was the football game cancelled, and she saw it was raining.

  1. Contrite- cause by showing sincere remorse

*remorseful, She acked very contrite.

  1. Corpulent- large or bulky of body; portly; start fact

*weightily, The football players are very corpulent, because they left a lot of weights

  1. Convert- concealed, covered

*Hidden, The teachers have to covert the student’s permanent records, for nobody to will see them.






Friday, October 2, 2009

Killing Mr. Griffin Voc. and Sentences

1. Inference- The act of drawing a conclusion that is not actually stated.
She infered that Ashley enjoys reading.
2. Allusion- Whenever a writer refers to a person, place, poem, book, or movie that he expects the reader to recognize.
The writer had and allusion of the movie, The Notebook, but little did he know, no one knew that movie.
3. Flashback- A scene that interrupts the ongoing action in a story to show and event that happened earlier.
I Speak they had many flashbacks of when she got raped.
4. Rite of Passage- The young adult must undergo some ritual or test to become an adult.
Jewish people usually go in a rite of passage when they become "adults".
5. Foil- A character whose qualities or actions usually serve to emphasize the actions or qualities of the main character, the protagonist, by providing a strong contrast.
The foil in my story ends up hating the main character.

Killing Mr. Griffin Study Guide Chpts. 1-19

Killing Mr. Griffin Study Guide 1


  1. Briefly identify the children in the McConnell family.

They have nothing else to do they are bad

  1. What does Susan mean by “someday”?

that she wishes that could happen

  1. Who is David Ruggles? How does Susan feel about him?

President of the senior class, she likes him

  1. Several other students of Room 117 are introduced. Briefly identify them.


Jeff Garrett-Big, Loud

  1. In the classroom scene, what emphasizes Susan’s feelings of being an outsider?

Francis's question, "are you going to be a single person, sue?"

  1. Two teachers are introduced. Briefly identify them.

Mr. Griffin, Mrs. Dolly Luna

  1. Mr. Griffin is very strict and stern with the students. Do you think these qualities make

him a good teacher? Briefly explain your answer.

Probably not, because he gives no student extra credit, and most of all he gives them so many F's for a late paper. making them fail a lot.

  1. An allusion is when a writer refers to a person, place, poem, book, or movie that the

reader, is expected to recognize. Find an example of allusion in this chapter.

Susan's song she wrote.

  1. In what ways does Susan think she and the dying female in Hamlet are similar?

She didn't do her best in her work. Felt so depressed that she cried, and felt so ashamed.

  1. A metaphor is a comparison of two things that are basically unlike, in order to create a

sharp picture. In this first chapter find the metaphor involving a bird that helps the author

define how Susan is feeling about her life.

She had a sudden, irrational urge to put her head down on the desk and weep for all of them, for the whole world, for the awful day that was staring so badly.

  1. Jeff says, “That Griffin’s the sort of guy you’d like to kill.” Why doesn’t Susan think he is serious?

Because Jeff really hated Mr. Griffin so much that he had a plan to do that, but Susan thought that he was bluffing which he wasn't.

12. Frequently, objects which seem inconsequential when first mentioned become an

important part of the plot later. In the last six paragraphs do you notice any object that might be foreshadowed?

Because Jeff really hated Mr. Griffin so much that he had a plan to do that, but Susan thought that he was bluffing which he wasn't.


  1. Why does Mark say the following? “Jeff’s done a neat job of lining us up for a mass flunkout.”

Because Mr. Griffin keeps on giving Jeff F's all semester.

  1. Explain Mark’s special dislike of Mr. Griffin.

He had to take the English course again for the second time, and he wanted to him since he came to Mr. Griffin class.

3. Jeff had seen that look before, and it always meant something.” What look does Jeff see? What does Jeff think it means?

He had to take the English course again for the second time, and he wanted to him since he came to Mr. Griffin class.

  1. Why do Jeff and Betsy go along with Mark’s plan to kidnap Mr. Griffin?

They were tired of flunking his class all the time, but they weren't trying to fail. They were trying to pass and get out of his class for good.

  1. Why does Mark believe Dave will go along with the plan?

He likes a challenge, also Mark knows too much about David.

  1. What does Mark know about Susan that makes him think she will be their decoy?

Because she's Mr. Griffin's teacher pet, and plus on the mid- semester she made good grades in his class.

7. A flashback is a scene that interrupts the ongoing action to show an event that happens

earlier. Briefly describe the flashback in this chapter. Explain why the author chooses to

include it.

It's how Susan and David met each other when they were in middle school. The humiliation that Jeff has been through, it was the first thing that the plan would work.

  1. What is implied, but never stated, about Mark’s “transformation”?

He was sort of a psychic when he heard the call roll. He set a cat on fire, and he also had a special beauty, something too strange to explain about him.


  1. The members of David’s family are introduced. Briefly identify them.

Gma-depends on david when he is around

Mom-works as a sectuary

  1. Why does David think he needs a good education?

Wants to go to college to get a good job for he can take care of his family

  1. Find the metaphor in this chapter that helps illustrate the emptiness of David’s life.

Depressing and lonely

  1. Support or refute the following statement:

David goes along with Mark because he dislikes Mr. Griffin and needs a better English

grade to get into law school.



  1. Why are Saturday’s special for Susan?

She didnt have to get up and sit through the family Breakfest

2. Find a quotation in the chapter that illustrates the idea that Susan feels a part of the picnic group.

"And that suddenly that easily she felt she was one of them"

  1. Who is Lana?

marks' ex girlfriend

  1. How does Susan feel about Mark before the picnic?

she doesn't like him

  1. A symbol is an object, person, or place that has a meaning in itself and that also stands

for something larger than itself. How may the eyeglasses be a symbol in this chapter?

6. Foreshadowing is also used to create interest and build suspense. Since this is a mystery

story, there are many examples of foreshadowing. Find an example of foreshadowing in

this chapter that lets the reader know Susan is going to have problems.


  1. How does the author illustrate Kathy Griffin’s stubborn personality?

  1. Briefly explain Mr. Griffin’s reason for leaving Stanford to teach high school.

  1. What does Mr. Griffin think about Susan?

  1. Why is Kathy Griffin upset by her husband’s description of Dolly?

  1. How does her husband make her feel better?

  1. Why does Mrs. Griffin want Brian to compliment Susan on her writing?

  1. Find an example of foreshadowing in this chapter.

8. Why do you suppose the pills are mentioned again? Why does the author bother

mentioning his tie?

  1. We learn that Mrs. Griffin is pregnant. How does she hope having a child will change her husband? Why might the author have added the pregnancy into the story.


  1. What little things go wrong with the kidnapping?

With David’s alibi?

With Betsy’s alibi?

  1. In what way does Mr. Griffin earn the respect of his kidnappers?

  1. Why is Susan especially upset about her part in the kidnapping?

  1. Why does Betsy say the following to Susan? “Honestly, I don’t understand you.”


  1. What do Mr. Griffin and Mark have in common?

  1. Find a flashback in this chapter. What important facts about Mark do we learn?

  1. What mistake(s) does Betsy make with the police officer?

  1. Why do you think Betsy participates in the kidnapping?

  1. Why do you suppose the incident with Shauna Berman is included?

  1. Who finds the container of pills? Where?

  1. How does Mr. Griffin’s tie appear here?

  1. What does Mr. Griffin think of his kidnappers?

  1. What question does David ask him?

  1. Who wants to let Mr. Griffin go? Why don’t they?


  1. Explain, with examples from the story, how David begins to see Susan as a real person.

  1. Why does David doubt that Mark and Jeff are going to release Mr. Griffin after the game?

  1. How does David know Mr. Griffin is dead?

  1. What is the implied but never stated cause of Mr. Griffin’s death?


  1. Betsy and Susan both have fathers to turn to for help. Why do you suppose Susan wants

to go to her father for help, but Betsy doesn’t suggest going to her father?

  1. What two things does Mark say that they need to do to be safe?

  1. How does Mark convince Susan they need to bury the body?

  1. How does Mark’s father die?

  1. What does David’s father have to do with his decision to go along with Mark’s plan to bury the body?

  1. Why does Mark comfort Susan?


  1. How do Mark’s aunt and uncle feel about him?

  1. Why do you suppose Mark’s mother has a nervous breakdown and says she never wants

to see her son again?

  1. What does David’s grandmother remember about the day before that upsets David?

  1. In the conversation with his grandmother, what mistakes does David make that may hurt

his alibi?

  1. Why does Lt. Baca ask Mrs. Griffin if there is trouble in their marriage?

  1. What does Mrs. Griffin say that convinces Lt. Baca to begin searching for Brian?


  1. Why isn’t Susan surprised to hear her name over the loudspeaker?

2. Compare Susan’s attitude toward her family at the beginning of the story with her attitude


  1. Why does Susan agree to Mark’s lie?

  1. Why does Mark want her to lie?

  1. Do you think Mark really believes everything will be all right? Why?


  1. What is the real reason Betsy says nasty things about Susan?

  1. Find an example of allusion in this chapter.

  1. Briefly describe Mark’s mood during the burial. Jeff? David? Betsy?

4. Why does David recite the Lord’s prayer?

5. Why does Mark keep Mr. Griffin’s credit cards?

6. Why does Mark tell them to leave the car unlocked with the keys in the ignition?

7. What mistakes do the four make burying Mr. Griffin?

8. What is the implied but not stated reason that the policeman recognizes Betsy at the




1. What surprises Mrs. McConnell about Mrs. Griffin’s visit?

2. How does Mrs. Griffin surprise Susan?

3. Mrs. Griffin is certain Susan is lying about her teacher conference with Mr. Griffin. List

her reasons.

4. How do Susan’s parents react when Mrs. Griffin accuses her of lying?

5. What does Mrs. Griffin know about David? Mark?


1. Why does David’s Grandmother believe he is secretly seeing his Daddy? What proof do

you think she has?

2. Lana tells Lt. Baca about the turned-up ground and gives him the prescription bottle.

What else does she say to expose the kidnappers?

3. What new plans do they make for the car?

4. Why does Mark think the news report is false?



1. Why does David take the ring?

2. The blowing wind may be a symbol of freedom in this novel. Explain its possible

importance in the following events:

David and Susan’s first meeting

the picnic by the waterfall

the inscription on the ring

3. Why does the lady from the other house smile through the window at Susan?

4. What is Susan’s opinion of David’s grandmother?

5. Why does Susan call Jeff’s house?


1. In what ways do we see that the Garrett’s do not see their son Jeff as a real person?

2. Mystery stories rely on inference, the act of drawing a conclusion that is not actually

stated. Using inference, what information will Mrs. Griffin learn from the newspaper?

3. Why does David’s grandmother refuse to attend church?

4. Explain what David’s grandmother means in the following quotation. “The winds of

freedom are filled with laughter.”


5. What clue in the story reveals the identity of Irma Ruggle’s visitor?


1. Why do Betsy and Jeff stop by to see Susan?

2. What is surprising about David’s grandmother’s death?

3. Do you think Betsy and Jeff believe Mark has killed the old woman?

4. The first paragraph of the chapter discusses the wind. Why do you suppose the author

writes about the wind blowing again at this point in the story?


1. What are the implications of Susan’s statement “I did that” on page 208?

2. What is Jeff worried about?

3. Why doesn’t Mark gag Susan?

4. How does Mark feel after he sets the fire?


5. How does Susan feel about Mark?

6. Why does Susan scream, “I’m going to die, You’re glad, aren’t you?”

7. How does Mrs. Griffin respond?


1. Mrs. McConnell tells Susan, “It is only by facing things that you ever put them behind

you.” What do you think is good or bad about this advice?

2. How does Mrs. Griffin recognize the car?

3. Why is the whole family going to counseling?

4. Do you think the proposed penalties are fair? Explain.

5. How does the last verse in Susan’s, “Song for Ophelia,” explain why she becomes involved

with Mark and the others?

6. What may the reader infer from the last paragraph?

7. “Coming-of-Age” stories are usually about “Loss of Innocence” or “Rite of Passage.” State

what kind of story this is and why.