Friday, September 25, 2009

My Auto Biography Powerpoint

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Murder Essay

Murder  Essay


Some people just get very angry and have to take their anger out on other people, to make them feel better. Sometimes just have nothing else to do but make other people lives miserable and unhappy. I think there is no if, and, but about murder if you kill somebody you just kill them, some people say they don’t know what they be doing but if you cant control your attitude or how much you drink that is just you, maybe after you do your time you will because you was wrong for what you did. Other case may be self-defense and I think that is ok, because if your life is in danger that you have the right for self-defense. I think if somebody kill somebody unless self defense they should be punished with murder. They should take threats very serious because you never know if they are playing or not. Some people will wait for the right time to do their crime. It is not far for the family that the murder victim was in. many people cause people to murder them, but the person who murdered them still have no right to take somebody else’s life, it is not far.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Dq's for Antwone Fisher

DQ’s for Antwone Fisher

  1. Antwone gets into a lot of fights. Do you think he fights because people have made him angry, or is he angry already?
  • I think he fights because he is already angry, and in some situations people already know he gets mad easily so they push him to his weakest point.


  1. When Antwone first goes to see the therapist, he is very vague with information about his background. Why would he not just come out with all hos history? Is he hiding something? How is Antwone different or the same as Melinda Sordino in Speck?
  • He doesn’t like his history, he says he has no family, yes he is hiding a lot of things, it is very different from speck, because Melinda doesn’t let her anger out but Antwone yells and fights.


  1. Why does Antwone say the he should just go to the brig? How would that be easier for him than the alternative the he is given?
  • He thinks he can just hide his feelings and not talk about them.


  1. When his shipmates are talking about going home for the holiday, Antwone ignores the question. Why?
  • He was writing and listening to music, he couldn’t hear them.


  1. During the Thanksgiving dinner at the doctor’s house, Antwone is out into an awkward situation when the doctor’s father asks him question. Why was it awkward for him?
  • He never had his mother food before, and doesn’t know his real mom.


  1. The doctor at one point says that forgiveness is freeing yourself. Do you agree? Talk about Antwone and Melinda in terms of forgiving themselves. What would they be forgiving themselves for? Why?
  1. Discuss two possible themes in Antwone Fisher? Are there similar themes in Speck? Explain.

Daily Grammar

  1. Parents often argues about what is best for their children.
  2. People in small towns sometimes worry about what other people say about them.
  3. Jonny Blogger and Susie Grammar travled with their mother to Carwheal in Corwall.
  4. When his mother told him anout moving, Jonny said, he wouldn't mind starting at a new school.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

warning signs

In an abusive relationship there are several warning signs. If you are being push around and hit in harmful ways, the way you start to act and treat others will become very different. If you are a child, you will start doing bad in school you grades will start falling and you will seem depress all the time. It can also stop you from having fun and thinking for your self. Another warning sign is when your body has lots of cuts and bruises. If you are being yelled at and pushed around very hard. If Their isn't only physical abuse their is also mental abuse. Mental abuse is when the person calls you names and talks you down. If the person is making you not think clearly that is mental abuse. This person cries a lot because they are hurting so much. They also try to act like nothing is wrong in front of family and friends. The last thing I know of is that the people in this situation thinks the person love them so much that they do anything to make them happy and they don't want to listen to nobody about the problem.


Abuse Scenario

Abuse Scenario

If I had a friend that had cuts and bruises on her all of a sudden, and she was telling me that they came from her falling and running into lockers, I wouldn’t believe her. People can not just get bruises all the time from falling, there has to be something else behind the whole thing. My first thought will be ask her is everything all right in her housewhole, and do she have any problems with anybody in the school. There might be some family issues that are going on in her life. I would want the best for my friend  in ways. I would sit down and talk to her and look and her eyes and see her fears. If my friend she doesn’t want to tell me anything I would repory it to the schhoo, for they can help, it’s the best thing to do.

SAT PREP Vocabulary

SAT PREP Vocabulary
  1. Abhor-Hate

Example Sentence: I abhor going to the dentist becasue it only means pain to me.

-I abhor people who makes loud noises, it hurts my head very badly.

  1. bigot- Narrow minded prejuiced person

Example sentecne:Adolf Hitler was both a bigot and insane.

-the girl was very bigot and crazy, she yelled at all black people, but didnt know why.

  1. Counterfeit-fake; False

Example sentence: it was abvious that the hundred dollar bill was a couterfeit, becasue it had Abraham Lincoln on the front.

-it is illegal to use counterfeit money in the US, you will go to jail.

  1. Victim- a person who suffers from a destructive or injurious action or agency

Example Scetence: A Victim of an automobile accident

-When the police came to the crime scene, the victims was laying there dead.

  1. Entitle(ment)-to give (a person or thing) a totle right, or vlaim to something; furnish with grounds for laying claim.

Example Sentence: His exective position ebtitled him to certain courtesies rarely accorded others.

-She needed some entitlement, becasue the girl hurt her feelinngs.

  1. Talisman-lucky charm

Example Sentence: A rabbit's foot is considered to be a talisman of good luck

-I told told Sam Davis he is my talisman for good luck.

  1. Aberration-different from what is normal, desirable, or expected

Example Sentence- The day eating johnny's homework was an aberration, however, he still got a zero for the assignment.

  1. Accentuate- to make a feature of something more not iceable; to emphasize

Sentence Example- The bite marks on Johhny's neck accentuated the fack that there had been many animals attacks in the area.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Speak 4 Questions

Discussion/Study Question
pp. 141-198

1. Discuss the evolvement of the name of the Merryweather High mascot and the debate over each name.

-There high school isnt doing right.

2. What draws Melinda and Ivy together?

-Art class drives Melinda and ivy together

3. Do you agree or disagree with “Ten More Lies…” Why?

-I agree with the "ten more lies..."because they try to make it seem like high school is so easy which it is not.

4. Describe Melinda’s inner turmoil when she discovers Rachel is dating Andy. What should she have done? Did she do the right thing?

-She peobley should habe told Racheal when she first found out they were dating, she doesn't want the same thing to happen to Raechel.

5. What is the symbolism of Mr. Freeman’s statement, “…trees are flexible, so they don’t snap. Scar it, give it a twisted branch-perfect trees don’t exist…Be the tree” (p. 153).

-That nonody is perfext that you will always have something wrong with you, but you should always strive to become better.

6. How does Melinda begin to assert herself and find her voice?

-When she finds that girls were responding to what she write in the bathroom stole, she know that her opinion and how she felt about Andy was right, baceasue other peole felt the same.

7. What happens when Melinda decides to talk to Rachel?

-Racehal doesn't believe her and tells her she is jealous that he is taking her to prom and calls her a liar.

8. What do the entries under Melinda’s initial graffiti in the bathroom reveal?

-That she isn't the only ont that has a problem with Andy.

9. What is the correlation between Mr. Sordino’s treatment and explanation of the diseased tree with Melinda’s “survival?”

-If you let go of the bad part it becomes better

10. What happens at the Prom?

-At prom Racel and Andy got into an arugemnet. Andy was pusing himself on to Racheal while they were dancing, and from that point Racehal know that Melinda was telling the truth.

11. What is the resolution to the story?

-Melinda finds herself when she speaks and tells herself "No" when she has the choice to kill the guy that ruined her life.

Speak Discussion Questions

Discussion/Study Question
pp. 95-137

1. Discuss what precipitates Melinda’s skipping school and what she does.

-When Melinda skips school she just wants to clear her mind abd to get some rest, so she goes and sneak into a hostipal bed like sheis a patient.

2. Was being a child better than being a teenager? In what ways? In what ways is it better to be older? Why is it hard to be in between childhood and adulthood?

-Being a child is better than being a teenager becasue as a teen you are growing up to become an adult with respsonblites but not as much as an adult. That you can have a car and go anywhere you want to go. being inbetween childhood and adulthood is just a pre-stage to adulthood.

3. Analyze the reference to the symbols in The Scarlet Letter and how Melinda would adapt the letter “A.”

-i think that is the grade that she need to be making or trying to make.

4. Discuss the dissolution of Melinda and Heather’s friendship and the effect it has on Melinda. What is the meaning of friendship?

-The word friendship is when you have a person that you can tell and talk to about anything and will not tell other people what yopu said. A real friend will tell you whats right weater you want to hear it or not.

5. Analyze the events and effects of Valentine’s Day on Melinda and the aftermath.

-She remember what happened that night at the party and how she doesn't have anybody and how the girl she been with for almost the whole year heather stop being friends with her.

6. Melinda wishes her science teacher would teach them about love and betrayal instead of about the birds and the bees. Where do we learn about things like that? Can we learn about love from a book? Explain?

-You can learn about thet from realtionships that you have with your family and friends, yes you can learn about love from a book that you read, if it has alot of emotinal meanings in it.

7. Discuss what happens when Melinda is placed in In-School Suspension. How would you react to this situation?

-.I would be mad and learn not to get into the same situation again.

8. Analyze Mr. Freeman’s effect on Melinda, inside and outside the art class. Do you agree with his statement, “When people don’t express themselves, they die one piece at a time.”

-Yes, becasue you shouldn't care what people sya about you or sometimes think, if you just be yourself that all that matters. When you don't you will worry anot what other people say alot and will be living to olease them not god.

9. Mr. Freeman tells his class, “You must walk alone to find your soul.” What does this mean? Is it true? What is a soul?

-Sometimes you have to be alont to hear the word from god on what you should really do, Yes its true. Your soul is a place where your feelings and pains a kepr, also the realtionships that you have with other people.

10. Mr. Freeman also says that “art is about making mistakes and learning from them.” What else is like this? Explain.

-It is like Melinda sje made a mistake by going to that party, but now she knows and willn't do it again, becasue she dont' want that to happen to her anymore.

11. Examine Melinda’s self-image and her survival techniques after Heather’s rejection.

-She look the same but she forgets about heather and tries to move on.

12. Examine Melinda’s revelation about the night of the party and its residual effect on her.

-it had a big effect on her, becasue she never spoke up and told anybody what reallt happened she just let it keep eaing up her up on the inside.

Speak 2 Discussion

Discussion/Study Question
pp. 49-92

1. Discuss Melinda’s decline, including physical symptoms.

-She dresses differently and her hygiene isn't the best as it should be..

2. Analyze the social studies “debate” and its aftermath. Note who challenges the teacher and the position each person takes. How do you feel about this type of debate? Is the teacher right or wrong? Do students have a right to challenge a teacher?

-Well i think it was an debate you should have the right to speak on what you think it is right, that is the purpose of an debate for each person to state their opinion, the teacher was very wrong in this case.

3. Who is a “real” American? What do you think of Mr. Neck’s opinion? Going by his definition, are some of you not really Americans?

-Well Mr. Neck was talkinh about his son, which is white, he is very racism si I think he shouldn't be a teacher if he is going to pick subjects on a debate and get mad becasue its doesn't go his way.

4. Discuss the Thanksgiving dinner for Melinda’s family and why this is significant.

-You can tell that her parents are kinda poor and really busy at times, hjer mom forgot to cook the turkey so they had pizza for thanksgiving.

5. Analyze Melinda’s statement about her parents, “I bet they’d be divorced by now if I hadn’t been born.” What does this reflect about her self esteem?

-Melinda thinks she is the only reason why her parents are together and she looks down on herself to much she has very low self esteeem.

6. Examine Melinda’s references to her secret and what this reveals about her relationship with her parents. What do you think happened at the party?

-I think Melind shouldn't have went to the party in the first place, cause know her parents aren't going to trust her to go anywhere, becasue they wouldn't want that to happen to her again. i think she got drunk and didn't relize what she was doing until she felt the pain he was giving her.

7. Discuss Melinda’s athletic ability, her attitude toward being on the basketball team, and the comparison she makes between basketball and life.

-She is very good but on the team you have to commincate with the other team members and become a team together.

8. Analyze the deterioration of the relationship between Melinda and Heather. Why is it that people sometimes like us more when they can get something out of us? Are the Marthas good friends to Heather? Why or why not?

-They like us more because they get what they want.No they are not because all they do is use heather.

9. What should we value in other people? What qualities are important in a person? What do you usually notice first about people? Does that really matter?

-We can learn from people and their good ways, their attitude and the way they treat others, we notice their clothes first, which is not important.

10. Examine Melinda’s reference to IT. Pages 85-86 & 89-90

-It is Andy the guy wgo raped her and ruined her personal life with her fanily and friends.

11. Discuss the school conference with Melinda’s parents and the aftermath. What do you think about Melinda’s suicide attempt? Was it real? What does it indicate? What do you think about her mother’s reaction?

-The conference has a lot of yelling at Melinda asking her to speak and the counselor trying to calm the parents down.I think its her fault about her suicide attempt.yea that was real and something could've happened.Her mother cares but she act like she don't got time to listen to her.

Speck 1 Questions

Discussion/Study Question
pp. 3-46

1. Analyze Melinda’s reaction to the first day of high school and why her fears seem more intense than that of others. Analyze why she says, “I am Outcast.”

-She says that the first day of school she was embressed on the first day of school and she doesn't have any friends od group.

2. Examine the meanings of the “clans” and the prevalence of high school cliques. Why do we sometimes not like people who are really good at things, like sports, music, art, or school? Is this fair? Are adults like this?

-Clans are like the groups schools have, and sometimes everybody doesnt fit in any of the groups, no this is not right, and some adukts who have not matured are like this but most are.

3. Discuss the “first ten lies they tell you in high school.” Compare with your first day. So you think Melinda’s assumption that they are “lies” is vaid?

-Well i think that she was extradentaion a little bit, cause most of them depend on what school they go to. my first day was great, but maybe it was becasue of what happened durning the summer that effected her first day of school.

4.Examine Melinda’s characterization of the teachers. What do these descriptions reflect?

-Some of the teachers Melimdia can relect to like hairwoman towards the end, but others like mr. neck didnt like her on the first day of school.

5.Discuss iscuss Mr. Freeman’s approach to teaching art. Have you had similar experiences in classes with this type of teaching style?

-Mr. freeman is a different teacher he lets the students fung their inner them throught art, no i havent.

6. Discuss Melinda’s home life. How does communication break down in Melinda’s family? What could each person do to improve it? If you were a parent, how would communication be in your family?

-Melinda really doesn't have a relationsship with her parents. If I was a parent i would have a meeting every weekend to talk about the problems that are going on in the house.

7. Discuss the interaction between Melinda and Heather. Are they friends? What brings them together?

-Heather does most of the talking in this relationship.No they are not friends.They are together just to be together.

8. Are we sometimes different people on the outside than we are in the inside? How? Why is this true, do you think?

-Sometimes people can not show how they really are feeling on the inside, hteir inside might be horrible and feeling realt bad but their outside will look great. People can coverup their real feelings, and yes