Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lord of The Flies voc. 5

41. Parody-a humorous piece of literature of writing,burlesque
*The comedy movie parodies the entrie genre of westerns.
42. Parried-to ward off,blow
*Booth hooked a shot which Beeney parried straight to newsome who scared from 5 yard.
43. Pinnacles-The highest or culminating point,apex
*Betwenn the lofly windows are pilasters the height of the walls surmaunted by small pinnacles
44. Ruefully-causing sorrow or pity,pitiable
*The poor woman ruefully could not give her money to her friedn in need.
45. Tacitly-Unspoken,unexpressed
*Your failure to object to the request resulted in you tacitly approving the change.
46. Vexed-annoyed,anger
*She become more and more vexed as she struggled to cope with the demands of the job.
47. Vicissitudes-a change occuring in the course of something,change
*They remained friends through the vicissitudes of 10 years.
48. Vivid-strikingly bright,bright
*Something in their natural state are the most vivid colours.
49. Vulnurable-capable of or susceptibe to being wounded or hurt,tender
*When she lost her job,Alicia was very vulnerable
50. Trunculently-fierce,fierce
*The lion gave a trunculently roar.

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