Friday, October 2, 2009

Killing Mr. Griffin Voc. and Sentences

1. Inference- The act of drawing a conclusion that is not actually stated.
She infered that Ashley enjoys reading.
2. Allusion- Whenever a writer refers to a person, place, poem, book, or movie that he expects the reader to recognize.
The writer had and allusion of the movie, The Notebook, but little did he know, no one knew that movie.
3. Flashback- A scene that interrupts the ongoing action in a story to show and event that happened earlier.
I Speak they had many flashbacks of when she got raped.
4. Rite of Passage- The young adult must undergo some ritual or test to become an adult.
Jewish people usually go in a rite of passage when they become "adults".
5. Foil- A character whose qualities or actions usually serve to emphasize the actions or qualities of the main character, the protagonist, by providing a strong contrast.
The foil in my story ends up hating the main character.

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