Friday, October 23, 2009

Lord of the Flies chapter 1.doc

Lord of the Flies

Worksheet: Chapter 1


Answer the questions.  For each answer, indicate the page number in



1. How did the boys arrive on the island?

The plane crashed


2. How did Ralph call the first meeting?

The blew into the conch


3. What are the names of the twins?

Sam and erik


4. What does Ralph's dad do?

Commander in the navy


5. What nationality are the boys?



6. The island was roughly _______ - shaped.



7. What is the "scar?"

A long line of land


8. For whom did Piggy vote as chief?



9. Who went to make sure the island was really an island?

        a. Ralph

        b. Jack

        c. Simon


10. Who is your favorite character so far?


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