Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Julius Caesar: Act II Reading and Study Guide

Julius Caesar: Act II Reading and Study Guide

I. VOCABULARY: Be able to define the following words and understand them when they appear in
the play.

taper: to become smaller or thinner toward the end.

tyranny (t r -n )Arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.
lest:expressing fear, danger, ect.

II. LITERARY TERMS: Be able to define each term and apply each term to the play.

anachronism( -n k r -n z m): a thing or person that belongs to an earlier time.

complication: something that introduces unexpectedly, some difficult, problem, cahnge, etc.

personification: the attribution of a person nature or character to inamitate objects or abstract notions.

irony: the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning.

I. dramatic irony: is inherent in speeches or a situation of a drama and is understood by the audience but not grasped by the characters in the play.

II. situational irony: outcome to be very different then what expected.

III. verbal irony: a figure of speech is in what said is the opposite of what is meant.

aside: away from ones thoughts or consideration.

III. Questions: answer the following questions.

Scene 1:
1. According to Brutus, why is it is necessary that Caesar be killed?
-Caesar will become to powerful and general welfare.
2. What actions does Lucius perform that help the plot unfold?
-Send al letter about right and wrong and suggest certain things without spelling them out.
3. What is Brutus’s internal conflict?
-A terrible act and the actual performance of it is a nightmare. The soul and body debates the subject.
4. Why does Brutus disagree about taking an oath?
-Its for priests, cowards, old and dying men, and people enjoy dying. There blood would not be truly Roman if they broke there word.
5. Why does Metellus think it would be a good idea to ask Cicero to join the conspiracy?
-His age would win popular support. People would say our youth and wildness were ruled by his sound judgement.
6. Why does Brutus say they should not ask Cicero to join the conspiracy?
7. What does Brutus say about killing Marc Antony?
-He isnt going to kill himself; he loves sports, wildness, and soicializing to much.
8. What reason does Cassius give for why Caesar might not come out of his house today?
-He is superstitous, in contrast to the strong views he once had of such beliefs. Strange events and arguments of his fortuneteller.
9. By what method does Decius say he will use to get Caesar out of the house?
-He loves to hear such stories, he can also be trapped by-flattery.
10. Why is Portia, Brutus’s wife, worried about Brutus?
-The way he looks and his attitude.
11. How does she prove her strength to Brutus?
-Wounding herself in the thigh.

Scene 2:
12. Why does Calpurnia want Caesar to stay home?
-Because of the memory threatening omens.
13. Describe Calpurnia’s dream.
-She is frightened of the omens. Terrible things will happen.
14. How does Decius interpret the interpret Calpurnia’s dream?
-He had to make Caesar look at Calpurnia's drean in a different way.
15. What arguments does Decius use to change Caesar’s mind about going to the Capitol?
-Great men will come to you for honors and souvenirs to remember you by.

Scene 3:
16. What does Artemidorus plan to do?
-He wants Caesar.

Scene 4:
17. Why is Portia so nervous?
-she is nervous about the conspiracy.
18. What does Portia want Lucius to do?
-To go see what is happening at the capitol.
19.What does the soothsayer tell Portia?
-That Caesar is in more danger.

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