Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Shakespeare Background 10

Shakespeare Background – Grade 10

Name ______________________________ Date ___________

England in Shakespeare’s Day [p. 683]

· William Shakespeare is the greatest ___writer _________________ of all time.

· He lived in the country of ____England_____________________ during the


· He was born in the year __1564______, when ___Elizabeth I__________________ was queen of England.

· England was established as a world power in 1588, when English defeated an attempted invasion by __Spanish_____________________ ___Armanda_______________.

· Plays in which dialogue is mostly poetry is called ____Verse________ ______Drama_____.

Theatre in Shakespeare’s Day [p.684]

· In the 1590’s, Shakespeare’s theater group was called the __Lord__________

_______Chamberlain’s ________________ ______Men____.

· The new London home of the group was a place called the ____Globe_________ Theater.

· When Queen Elizabeth I died, the group’s new sponsor was _King James I________, and the group changed its name to The ___King’s ______ ___Men_________.

· The Globe Theater was located on the banks of the ________Thomes_______ River.

· The theatre was __3____ stories high, made of __wood____, and could hold as many as _____3 thousnad______ spectators. Customers, called __groundlings____________ stood in the pit by the stage and paid t he lowest price for admission. Richer patrons sat in balconies, also called _inner_____________.

· Most theatres in that day had no artificial ___lightning___________ or ________heating______, so performances were given in ___daylight_________________ in warmer weather.

Many commonly quoted phrases came from Shakespeare’s plays. Some examples are:

_”Friends, Romans, countrymen led mr your ear’s” from __Julius Caesar_____.

_”O Romeo, Romeo, where fore art thou Romeo”_ from _Romeo and juliet___.

“To be or not to be” from _Hamlet_________.


Terms to Know

Name ______________________________ Date ___________

Define these terms found on p. 686-688.

1. verse dramas – plays in which the dialogue consists almost entirely of poetry

2. blank verse unrhymed lines

3. iambic pentameter – fixed pattern of rhythm

4. soliloquy – a long speech given by a character while alone on stage

5. aside – character’s quiet remark to the audience or another character

6. rhetorical devices – uses languages and sound to appeal the audiences emotions

1) the repetition of words and sounds

2) parallelism, or repeated grammatical structures

3) rhetorical questions

7. irony – contrast between appearance and reality

8. dramatic irony – the audience or reader knows something that one or more charcters do not know.

9. pun – sou's

10. allusion – allusion to the gait statue


You should also know:

1. ambition – An earbnest desire to acheive something

2. vanity – something about which one is vair

3. envy – obsolete, ill will

4. revenge – to take vengeance for

In your opinion, is it right to ask a close friend to do something dangerous? Explain.

No, because if you want do it, then why would you want a friend to do it, it doesn’t make any sense.

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